Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Savion "Happy Feet" Glover

Peter and I were trying to decide last night if I have Gregory Hines or Savion Glover inside me.  Tappity, tappity, tappity, side kick! I think this kid is still breech and it's like it's standing upright tap dancing on the bottom of my uterus.  Could be worse- it's not strong enough to really kick my bladder and it hasn't issued a kidney punch yet.  :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Which one????

I tried to get Katherine to tell me which one to buy, but she's a lock box (try not saying that in an Al Gore voice).

Monday, November 19, 2012

Terry at 20 Weeks

I think I grew overnight.  

And a few out-takes...  Yep, it's Monday. Yep, I'm a little tired.  Looking forward to Turkey Day, I think the baby will love turkey.  Research suggests that a baby will respond more favorably to foods that they were first introduced to via amniotic fluid (i.e. stuff I ate when preggo).  So far Terry is gonna love chocolate chip cookies.  (kidding! I swear I'm eating all kinds of healthy things, including the occasional cookie)  I actually don't weigh any more than I did pre-pregnancy, but as this kid starts growing more rapidly that will change.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jazz Hands!!!!

20121115132520765 by designade
20121115132520765, a photo by designade on Flickr.

My fav picture from the anatomy scan. Is it a wave? Jazz Hands? I have no idea, but it sure is cute.

Baby Nov 15, 2012


Baby Nov 15, 2012, a set on Flickr.

The latest ultrasound pictures from Week 19- almost halfway! Everything looks normal and this kid is still dancing up a storm in there.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Rockin' the baby belly

Katherine sent me this shirt- I think I totally pull off that pregnant rock and roll look, no? :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Facebook Announcement photo

  by designade
, a photo by designade on Flickr.

Baby not to scale.

Peter is getting ready

He's all set to help around the house once baby comes.

"Terry" at 16 Weeks

  by designade
, a photo by designade on Flickr.
That's a baby, not too many cupcakes.

p.s. yes, we call the fetus "Terry" not bump or bean or bun...

p.p.s. no, the baby will not be named Terry, but if you doubt how cool a Terry can be, please watch this:

Baby 10/5/12


Baby 10/5/12, a set on Flickr.

Ultrasound pictures at 13 weeks, 4 days.