Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall is Here

Well, we went from Summer to Fall in 4 days.  Labor Day was hot and sweaty, less than a week later I was pulling out sweaters.  Oliver is embracing Fall by embracing his blankie that Grammy Anne sent him.  It's fleece, so I pulled a tricky Mom move and cut in in half.  It's still big enough to serve it's purpose, but now I can wash one half and let him have the other (and he trips over it less).  

Speaking of embracing Fall, we went apple and pumpkin picking last Saturday.  It was so much fun! Oliver was in love with the pumpkins, and spent quite a bit of time sitting among them, on them and rolling over them.  We went with some friends who's son is one day older than Oliver (but I swear this kid could bench press Oliver- he's so strong!).  The two of them shared the wagon for a bit and both had fun frolicking in the fields (and running under the apple trees, making them hard to follow). 

And in Fall craft news, this masterpiece came home from daycare last Friday.  It was covered in a pound of glitter.  

The sun may be setting earlier, but days are still long.  At the end of the day, Oliver likes to be goofy:

And Peter zonks out on the floor next to the dog.  

Oh- and an update on words and such.  We have added: why, water, apple, cookie, Daddy (DAD-DEEE) and help.  "No" continues to be a favorite.  He has also learned how to jump and is especially proud of this feat.  He continues to be very attached to me, going so far as to cry for Mama if Peter picks him up when I am in the room.  It will pass...  It's a little frustrating, but we can ride this out with patience and some reassurance (to both Oliver and Dad-dee).  He does mostly ok at daycare drop-off.  It helps if I get him seated next to his friend and put a pouch of yogurt in front of him.  Oddly enough, there are more tears at pick-up.  I think he realizes that he hasn't seen me all day and gets mad about it.  Yesterday we had our first tantrum that involved leg kicking and throwing himself on the ground, flailing.  That was not fun, but I was proud that I didn't lose my cool.  They say the "terrible twos" can start as early as 18 months.  So- I guess we are right on track.  That's good, right???