Sunday, September 29, 2013


After Oliver's nap on Friday, we ventured into Ellsworth to run some errands.  Since he fell asleep on the way home, I thought we had better do something to tucker him out enough to take an afternoon nap.  So, we went to the park, and Oliver had his first ride on the baby swing.

At first we was like, what????
What is this thing???

But then he was like, AWESOME!


On Saturday we went to Treworgy Family Orchard up in Levant.  Oliver was slightly perplexed..
Mom, why am I in a tree? 

And this was the best family photo we could manage.  Oh well.

Peter and Oliver wore matching outfits for the day.  Here they are checking out the pumpkin selection. 

We did get a nice shot of Oliver in the pumpkin patch... and a matching photo of Peter.  

Still looking perplexed. 

Like Father, like Son.

We had a nice time, and now I need to figure out what to do with a bag of apples, since I've already made a bunch of applesauce.  Maybe I'll just make MORE applesauce.  I really need a bigger freezer...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Almost six months

It's been a rough week here. Oliver is having some (not) pooping issues. I'll spare you the details, but needless to say, we've all been grumpy. 

He'll be six months a week from today. I think that means I get to eat half a cake. No? Well, maybe I'll start that tradition. 

It's getting colder here, so Oliver has needed to bundle up a bit. The other day he was channelling Uncle Jimmy (tractor socks and camo jacket). I'll have to get Jimmy a giraffe hat so they can be twins. 

We're planning on going apple picking tomorrow. I'll be sure to post some of those pictures. We may even actually pick a few apples (I want to go just to get that picture of my baby reaching for an apple. Or next to a pumpkin. Or both.)
Hopefully the weather will cooperate. They keep saying it will be sunny, but every day this week has been full of clouds when they've called for sun. 

Oh, and in other news, Oliver has finally noticed Abigail. Mostly that's been a good thing. 

Well.  Mostly. :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Baby Pool (not the swimming kind)

So- I was just scanning through past posts and realized I had totally forgotten to update and close the Baby Pool I had done:

I had tried to update it on my phone right after he was born and couldn't get it to work, and then I just forgot about it.  Oops!

And the winner is.... (scroll down!)

ME!  HA!  Then Peter, then Jay!  My Mom is dead last.

And yes, I put his eyes down as Blue not Brown since they were definitely blue at birth.  They are slowly turning brown, but are totally amazing and multi-colored right now.  I wish I could get a picture to show you, but I guess you'll just have to visit to see.

Oh, and then there is this:

The fox?  I think he says: "Thhbbttt aiiii blablabllalalbballaaaa"

Six Years

Six years ago I married this wonderful man. Five months ago we added this little man to our life. I'm a lucky lady.