Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oliver and the First Food

It wasn't puddin'.  I swear.  (ask Anne Burt to tell you that story if you've never heard it...)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Just like the dog

The dog likes you to hold her rawhide bones so she can chew on them (a trick Grammy Anne taught her).  Well, Oliver wants you to hold the teether so he can gnaw on it. Just like the dog!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Scenes from our Weekend

Busy, busy weekend...  Friday was pouring rain, so I took him to Walmart to walk around and buy wipes for daycare and teethers (more on that later...).  Well, we check out and then I realize I had locked my keys in the car.  So stupid- I put them in my purse, then decided to just take my wallet and phone and throw them in the diaper bag.  Oops.  Dad came to the rescue with spare keys and Oliver and I got to really soak in the Walmart ambiance.  :-/

Saturday morning we headed back over to Ellsworth for The Big Latch-On, a world-wide breastfeeding event to promote Breastfeeding Week. 11 of us fed our babies in the park to add to the global totals.  Then we went to breakfast with a friend and her 2 1/2 year old (who looks like he is 5- so big!!!).  Oliver was a total peach for the entire outing, looking cute in his Osh Kosh B'Gosh's (which, unfortunately, he had to change out of after a rather large diaper mishap- yuck-o).  We spent the rest of the day next door with my Mom since Dad and Peter were working on installing a new window and moving the door to access the new screened porch.  Very exciting, but loud and messy, stuff.

Rockin' the B'Gosh

Sunday my Mom and I took him to breakfast and then down to Stonington to walk around.  The view was spectacular, so of course he slept through all of it.

Not looking at the million dollar view
He was really very well behaved all weekend, especially considering he seems to have started teething.  No teeth popping through yet, but he's wanted to chew and chew on everything so I bought him some proper teethers to chew on.  He also has his John Deere massaging corn teether, but it's a bit big for him to hold still.
Chewing on Daddy's knuckles

The other fun thing is that Oliver has really discovered his feet- he spent about 30 minutes playing with them quietly in the pack and play all by himself on Saturday.  Here is a video from Sunday night where he figured out how to play with the rattle on his bouncy chair with his feet.

We all got a  good night's sleep on Sunday- weekends are hard work!

Thursday, August 1, 2013