Friday, December 28, 2012

Views from Christmas

We had a lovely, quiet Christmas. Peter got some napping in and we all ate too much.

Peter enjoyed all his gifts, except for the package of diapers Mom wrapped up for us. For some reason that made him frown... :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

How Peter copes...

Well, every few nights he decamps to the sofa to get an uninterrupted nights sleep. I toss and turn and struggle to adjust the body pillow several times a night. Not surprisingly this wakes him up. I got him this fancy pedometer for Christmas called a Fitbit- it has a feature that tracks his sleep so you can see just how many times he was woken up during the night.

I figure he deserves a good nights sleep while he still can. One of us should be well rested in April. :)

Monday, December 17, 2012


The heartburn has arrived with a vengeance. Just in case you thought my pregnancy was all glowing skin and butterflies.... or something like that.

And here are some pictures of me modeling my new "mini cradle". It's made in Michigan! I know, it'll be all the rage in 2013. :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Putting up the tree

I left half the glass balls in the box. I was not willing to keep bending over to fetch them. The tree skirt is half adjusted- crawling on my hands and knees is also getting tougher. Darth Vader and Yoda ornaments are prominently displayed, so Peter thinks it's perfect.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Ladies and gentlemen...

I present to you, the father of my baby:

Terry 22 weeks 5 days

Still feeling pretty good though my belly is starting to feel like an appendage. Oh, and my brain is turning a little mushy- went to comb my hair and realized I had forgotten to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. Oops. Just keepin' it real...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Baby Registry

I know Anne asked Peter for this info, so I thought I would share so you can pass this along to anyone who would like to know.

Things that aren't on this list, but we would love to have are: clothes (of course!), baby blankets, burp cloths, crib sheets and any hand-me-down items people would like to part with. 

I've found Amazon to consistently have the best prices, but this registry has a nice feature that lets you buy an item somewhere else and mark it as purchased on the registry (next to the yellow "Add to Cart" button is a link that says "Buying this gift elsewhere").

Here is the link:

And since I can't have a post without a picture...  here is one of Abigail looking cute: 

And three pics from the Ellsworth Christmas Parade yesterday.  I think these Shriners are dressed in black-market character costumes.  You know, Shmelmo, Shwoody and Winnie the Shmoo.  :)

A bassinet means it's real...

The nursery is totally not ready- there is still trim to finish and paint, but progress IS happening. As of yesterday I at least have a place for the kid to sleep for the first few weeks.

We went up to Bangor to check out this baby/maternity resale shop called The Growing Place. We were really pleasantly surprised- everything was clean and in good shape. We didn't have anything specific in mind, but we found this Kolcraft bassinet that was in great shape and the style/color made us happy. Sold! Also picked up two pairs of jammies that were too cute, including this pair with a football on the bum.

I'll definitely go back once the baby is born- its a great source for sweaters and snowsuits and those cute outfits that don't get worn everyday, but you just HAVE to have. :)